Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2018

MIXRENT- Through the use of blockchain technology and smart contracts


Mixrent creates a global ecosystem that discovers a new format of traveling. The renter experiences only positive emotions while travelling. The service community will take care of the rest.

Mix.Rent is a decentralized rent-a-car and sharing service. Through the use of blockchain technology and smart contracts, the platform will provide its customers with the largest and most convenient base of all modes of transport, which is updated on a real-time basis. The decentralized platform model provides direct cooperation with a large number of renters and vehicle owners around the world

Blockchain technology and utility tokens are two key components that will transform Mix.Rent into a transparent and reliable platform to rent any type of vehicles in different countries

How it works

How we solve the issues, current and future functionality

Global platform

Mix. Rent is easy to list your vehicle in. Owners daily list their vehicles, and renters choose and book vehicles by price, category and location. No need to make a website of your own if you want to share your vehicle Options for owners

The owner needs to provide description of his vehicle, photo and the price to get customers on the platform and start earning. Once the listing is created the platform shows the average prices on the market.

vehicle categories

Users can rent/rent out cars, motorcycles, motor scooters, bicylces, snowmobiles, ATVs, limousines, helicopters, power boats, yachts, minibuses, jets, RVs, custom vehicles.
All kinds of vehicles gathered in one place to be used for work and entertainment.

User rating

Users can provide comments and feedback. The goal is to create a new blockchain-based rating system which will enable to quickly assess risks. Highly rated users get vehicles without security deposit.

More vehicles

In the future the platform will offer vehicles for tourists based on their preferences and location. The system will store data about the preferences and offer new options.

Very soon

Vehicle rental can be paid with tokens and cryptocurrencies. Bonus prices to pay with the platform tokens.

Mixrent creates a global ecosystem that discovers a new format of traveling. The renter experiences only positive emotions while travelling. The service community will take care of the rest.

  • Service community

The community members provide services upon request (delivery/return of vehicle, washing, refuelling, repair). They are rewarded in MIX tokens.

  • Creditors:

Keep on enjoying traveling. The creditos community will bail you out crediting the necessary funds on P2P lending basis. Creditors are rewarded in MIX tokens with percentage of your deposit.

  • Arbitrage:

The Mixrent arbitrage is convenient, impartial, and fair. The data are exported from blockchain and sent as an application to 300 referees who have passed KYC and qualification test. The first 10 referees who have responded are assigned to the application.

We are not just another big idea. We are changing rental market and provide you with reliability, additional earnings, and a great experience while you travel in comfort to your destination. Every day travelers to many countries choose Mixrent and their number has only been growing

Mix.Rent is a working solution

To date offers users a fully working marketplace to rent vehicles: blockchain functions to make renting simple and safe, options to list private vehicles, communication within a platform and other options.


By uniting private owners and rental companies offering transport services regionally, nationally and internationally, and by using blockchain technology, we create a new market that offers you communication, earnings and a great experience while you travel in comfort to your destination.


Platform Marketing and PR 30%
Web, mobile, API, partners network development 30%
Growing internationally - expansion in developed countries 20%
Insurance and legal funds of the platform 15%
Bounty program, which will continue after ICO 5%
Private Placement
To 25%
To 15%
To 10%


author  : acerputih
ETH  :   0x2122Ea5ccDd12FedA94B30B3B300EF10f77B8569

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2018

Era Swap ''Social Community Platform ''

The journey of Era Swap began with research from the Kmpards team—the core team behind the formation of the Era Swap token and its ecosystem. The team determined that the current community at large needs a middle-man-free, transparent ecosystem where they can get paid directly without commissions from any employer. To establish said platform for this worldwide community, we came up with the idea to launch the Era Swap technological ecosystem, which will be supported by the Era Swap token. Our unique token ecosystem defines time as a service and offers bot services for crypto trading and crypto investment plans. The first and foremost aim behind developing the Era Swap ecosystem is to provide the benefits to the public. This token is designed to be a token of “time for work” via smart contracts that can never be bought. 5% of the total tokens will be available only during the crowd sale period. It is the last and best chance to secure your Era Swap Tokens.

About Era Swap Token
The journey of Era Swap began with research from the Kmpards team—the core team behind the formation of the Era Swap token and its ecosystem. The team determined that the current community at large needs a middle-man-free, transparent ecosystem where they can get paid directly without commissions from any employer.
To establish said platform for this worldwide community, we came up with the idea to launch the Era Swap technological ecosystem, which will be supported by the Era Swap token. Our unique token ecosystem defines time as a service and offers bot services for crypto trading and crypto investment plans. The first and foremost aim behind developing the Era Swap ecosystem is to provide the benefits to the public.
This token is designed to be a token of “time for work” via smart contracts that can never be bought.


Era Swap will have his own token named BQTX, it will be ERC20 type and it will worck on ethereum platform.
Price in ICO: 1 EST = 0.00005804 ETH
Investment info
Accepting: ETH
Hard cap: 21197.98724 ETH


June 2018: Whitepaper / Era Swap Token Creation
September 2018: Initial Token Offer (ITO)
October 2018: Blocklogy Education App VI
November 2018: Buzcafe Empanellement
December 2018: Day Swappers End of ITO
January 2019: TimeAlly Benefit Plan
February 2019: Era Swap Wallet Development
March 2019: Era Swap Version - II / CompleteEx Lunch
April 2019: TimeAlly Swappers / TimeAlly Power
July 2019: TimeAlly Learn
September 2019: TimeAlly Insurance
November 2019: Era Swap Debit Card
December 2019: Decentralized Time / Swapper Version - II

Team & Advisor
You can find all the details about this project, the sale of chips, the team and the steps they will take in a more elaborate form and with more technical details at the addresses listed below:
Web Site:
author :  acerputih
eth :  0x2122Ea5ccDd12FedA94B30B3B300EF10f77B8569

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2018

(ICO) OutOfTheCloud - Revolutionizing File and Data Sharing through Blockchain Technology

Hello dear bloggers and fans of the cryptocurrency. Today I will tell you about the OutoftheCloud project.

Unlike other ICO’s you may have looked into, OutCloud Systems, Inc. actually has a working program. OutCloud Systems, Inc. has developed a Delivery Platform for sending multiple large multimedia files and has ventured well beyond the usual file sharing experience to include a dynamic and instantaneous streaming presentation of those files in a safe, secure and fully customizable display that can be personalized for each recipient.

In these videos you can see how the OutOfTheCloud project works.

OutCloud Systems, Inc. has developed a business model that is designed to produce profits from the beginning. Unlike Dropbox or other similar programs that have never made a profit even with 500 million subscribers, OutCloud Systems ( will make a profit even from free accounts with the sale of advertising on its delivery program. As the number of subscribers for the OutCloud Systems program increases, its sale and value of advertising will also increase.

Currently, the company projects that the sale of its coin on exchanges after the ICO should increase within 800% to 1200% over the first year. The company considers this projection as conservative in that the company’s marketing program for subscribers, which are also potential investors in the company’s coin will increase in volume once the ICO is completed and the OOTC service launched. This increase in marketing will have a positive effect on the value of the OutCloud Systems, Inc. coin. The company believes that its coin value could be much higher than projected.

How is Outofthecloud better than other cloud solutions?

Safe and Secure
Your files and data will be stored in highly secure and locked down folders, encrypted, parsed and placed all over a blockchain network. Decentralized storage is impeccable security.

Proprietary Viewer
Your clients will be able to view your files all in one secure viewer that you can make your own with custom branding and positioning.

Nothing to Install
All that is needed by your client is internet access, a computer and a web browser.

Custom Branding
You can place a banner at the top of our viewer, watermark directly on your video and place a link in can also drag and drop exactly where you want your files to appear in your presentation.

ICO (Initial Coin Offering)

In order to fund the development and continued growth of the OutCloud blockchain platform and network, an initial coin offering is been held. This offering shall be a flex offering and uncapped.

The issuance will be broadly classified into two sections – pre-ICO and ICO. The distribution of coins into two phases ensures that the funds are being allocated appropriately and the corresponding results are being achieved for the same. This will ensure a controlled deployment of funds as various projects and product features are introduced to the community.

A focus on planning is critical, rather than concentrating purely on capital collection. There will be a total of 1.2 Billion non-mineable coins available in the ecosystem.

Coin Distribution

Name of coinOutCloud CoinPlatform Ethereum
Symbol OUT
Total Coin Supply 1,200,000,000
Pre-ICO Supply 300,000,000
ICO Supply 400,000,000
Accepted Contributions ETH
Protocol ERC20
Minimum Contibution Amount 10 USD(Amt in ETH.)

No. of Coins Available: 300 Million
Begining: 1st August 2018
End: 31st August 2018
1 OUT: 0.10 USD

No. of Coins Available: 400 million
Beginning: 1st September 2018
End: 30th September 2018
1 OUT: 0.15 USD

Week 1: 30%
Week 2: 20%
Week 3: 10%
Week 4: 5%

Buyer Benefits

Outcloud is best suited for an ICO model as the project is so vast that it will be executed in stages and according to milestones, which can be achieved through ICO project funding. By contributing to the project, you are enabling this innovative product to be released to the public sooner.

So, what's in it for the early investors?

>Early coin appreciation for Pre-ICO & ICO participants
>Potential to gain coin appreciation even before coin listing.
>Secured investment in soon to be World's Largest File and Data Distribution Brand.
Ability to capitalize on a projects potential from day one.
Opportunity to be part of OutCloud, the future of Secure, Decentralized File and Data Sharing Systems.

In this video, the project team will show why you should invest in Outofthecloud.

Download OutoftheCloud App

The main links and contacts of the project are here:

author: acerputih
Eth: 0x2122Ea5ccDd12FedA94B30B3B300EF10f77B8569

Bithemoth Exchange (ICO)

Blockchain is becoming the cornerstone of modern innovation and has the potential to revolutionize the world. Recognizing this potential, we at Bithemoth have assembled a professional team of budding entrepreneurs and seasoned investors to create an all-encompassing blockchain trading platform. Since cryptocurrency is designed for mainstream adoption, our platform will be a stop-shop for clients that intend to earn huge returns on investment. We will create a user-friendly system that incorporates both traditional markets and the blockchain based assets.
Bithemoth Ecosystem will offer the following:
-Fast and intuitive exchange.
-A rich trading platform embedded with digital asset investment opportunities.
-A turnkey ICO Incubator.

Our platform usability combines a number of new features that are dedicated to enhancing the experience of our exchange users. NOT Only Technology features behind Our Revolutionary exchanges, IT will also be optimized for reviews Being user friendly. This will support new individuals entering the Crypto Market, while providing many features to accommodate the needs of cryptocurrency investors who turn pale experienced.
Why invest?
  1. We are an all-in-one Blockchain Asset solution.
  2. Permanence is what we strive for.
  3. Beneficial both as a Short-term and Long-term Investment.
    The Bithemoth exchange was created using 3 major fundamental pillars; Accessibility, Usability and Profitability.

    Created by a mixture of beginner entrepreneurs and experienced investors, Bithemoth combines the experience of his team to review crypto exchanges that include ALL that will filter how the cryptocurrency currency is traded. Our platform will combine several new features to differentiate itself from previous exchanges, and establish itself in the crypto market.Leveraging on the diversity of our team, we create a strong and strong exchange that will not only meet the needs of investors under traditional control, but also will simplify the process, even allowing individual non-technology to start trading.

Road Map

Our pre-ICO sale is expected to start July 2018, where you will be able to purchase coins at a heavily discounted rate.
You will be able to utilize the Bithemoth Coin (BHM) to pay for any fees on our exchange platform. This will include exchange fees, withdrawal fees, listing fees, etc. There will be a free trading incentive that we will introduce for the initial promotion of BHM usage on our exchange.
In case you have any questions or would like to join, all official sources of the project I will leave Below:
Author   :   acerputih
Eth Address  :   0x2122Ea5ccDd12FedA94B30B3B300EF10f77B8569

OPP Open Wifi | Make sure it is connected to everyone

You might wonder what it's like to always have Wifi in hand and anywhere in the world? Don't pay a lot of money for this and, if possible, even produce it? Of course! OPP Open Wifi will make this dream come true.


WiFi access has become a part of our daily life. However, it is quite surprising that 76% of us often find us in situations where access is not available, or when access is blocked by requests for payment.

Open WiFi OPP is a community-based service with the aim of creating free global access to open Wi-Fi networks and giving awards to every participant because it is part of our business.

Of these 2.5 billion people, we aim to attract 25 million people like you over the next 4 years to join our Hotspot Hosts community. Together, we can create free access, open and protect a global decentralized Wi-Fi access point that will positively affect the daily lives of hundreds of millions of people.

Our hot spot hosts are people like you who pay for mobile data, pay for WiFi access in their homes or at their place of work. Our research shows that more than 80% of us do not use all the data for which we pay. We will refund the money in your pocket. We will pay you every day for making this information available to our global network.

How it works?

To become a Hotspot host, you need to register and then download our mobile application or request a home / business router from our site. The first 100,000 routers will be provided completely free of charge.
You decide how much data you want to donate. Our application activates the function of mobile access points on your smart device, and "OPP OPEN WIFI" will be displayed by guest users who wish to access the Internet. The system is completely safe for both the host host and the guest user. The system is also designed to work with home and business WiFi.

When you enter an OPEN WIFI will be collected by consensus:
  • Name
  • E-mail address
  • Follow Social Media
  • Floor
  • Marketing "take part
You also do not need to worry. This system is secure and will not be able to access illegal sites that you do not want. In addition, the blacklist site is still being updated on the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF).

How do I make money?

You only need to make your Hotspot active for 1 hour a day to get the right to pay. We will pay for each device that you use to contribute to the Global Network. We strive to pay you enough to cover all expenses of your Internet provider and mobile phone provider.
If you want to do a little more, no problem. To read messages from selected sponsors. You tell us how many messages you receive every day, and we pay for you for what you read. If you join our referral program, we will share your media messages with your followers and friends.

Payment Process

if you pay, you can ask how your payment was made, and I told you that WIFI WIFI pays members of the community every day using their OPP token. 1 OPP token = 0.40 USD. payment processing and billing are managed using a block chain that executes the block chain. Every day when you exchange data, view sponsored messages or publish messages, etc., you can also see the OPP tokens added to your account, do not hesitate to follow them. When registering, you will receive an access code to the OPP toolbar. The functionality of the toolbar is where you control how you want to work with OPP, how much data you want to share, how much your device, how many messages you want to read, and so on.
Then all of your OPP tokens will be stored in your electronic wallet on the dashboard every day. You can see the growth of your balance. You can check your incoming payments and indicate how you received them.
You can also determine how you want to spend it, through an online retail store, credit your bank account, send money to your OPP credit card (no need for a bank account) or exchange it in the Crypto market. From the toolbar, you can use OPP tokens when using cash.

About ICO (original coin offer)

ICO is a new way for businesses to raise funds. The goal is to collect $ 40 million from the sale of tokens and ITO (initial tokens). This fund will be used to purchase equipment, develop technology and support its stakeholders, to fund daily operations, marketing and staffing so that we can build a network of 1 million Wi-Fi access points located within 12 months after a live broadcast and 25 million in 4 years, immediately join. When selling chips, 142 million tokens will be used for Founders and Investors with discounts ranging from 50% to 10%, depending on how the initial token purchase is made. the process of selling the OPP token will include a bonus structure that will stimulate your initial participants, starting with pre-sales investors. Below is the bonus schedule:

Stage 1 (July 1 - July 22): 40%
Stage 2 (July 23 - July 29): 35%
Stage 3 (30 July - 5 August): 30%
Stage 4 (August 6 - August 12): 25%
Stage 5 (August 13 to August 19): 20%
Stage 6 (August 20 - August 26): 15%
Stage 7 (August 27 - September 2): 10%
Stage 8 (September 3 - September 9): 5%
Stage 9 (September) 10-14 September): 2.5%


MAY 2018
Launching the website Registration ITO / ICO
Launching marketing

JUNE 2018
Open Sales of Tokens and VIP Subscribers
Creating the Telegram Community
Expand the existing social community
Attract PR
Announce the advisor team
Run GitHub
Publish the address of the smart contract
Share the prototype

Public sale
Registration with exchange
Beta Test Application for Smartphones
Developing the functionality of the dashboard
Establishing contact with advertisers

Public sale conclusion
Distribution of tokens to investors
Launch application for smartphones
Send routers
Beta testing of affiliate retail links

Start the dashboard
Deploy the command to handle increased traffic from Hotspot hosts
Enter into transactions with partner partners
Establishing transactions with advertisers for push notifications
Start referral program Hotspot
Initiate marketing activities for hotspot host hiring

NOV-DEC 2018
100,000 hot spots
Launching an online store
Fully functional toolbar
Expanding Digital Marketing

1 st quarter of 2019
OPP credit card launch
250.00 Hot Spot Hosts
Quick exchange functionality added to the toolbar
Further expansion of the team to support the Hotspot Host community
Continuing marketing to achieve more hot-spots
Extraordinary and professional team


Author: acerputih
Eth: 0x2122Ea5ccDd12FedA94B30B3B300EF10f77B8569

Sejarah Bitcoin Indonesia

Akhir-akhir ini, Bitcoin di Indonesia mulai menjadi sorotan, sejalan dengan popularitasnya di seluruh dunia, karena kenaikan harganya yang fantastis. Bagaimana tidak, mata uang digital tersebut pernah mencapai rekor harga hingga USD 4,500 per satuannya. Padahal, waktu pertama kali dilepas ke pasar pada tahun 2010, Bitcoin hanya laku di bawah 1 sen.
Namun, tahukah Anda bagaimana Bitcoin pertama kali diperkenalkan di Indonesia hingga berkembang sebagai salah satu alternatif alat pembayaran online yang paling banyak diperbincangkan?
bitcoin indonesia

Bitcoin Indonesia, Pelopor Beredarnya Mata Uang Virtual Di Tanah Air

Agar Bitcoin dapat beredar luas, diperlukan bursa penukaran (exchanger) untuk melayani proses jual beli. Di Indonesia, Bitcoin Indonesia adalah salah satu sentra penukaran pertama yang mempelopori beredarnya mata uang virtual terpopuler tersebut.
Perusahaan Bitcoin Indonesia didirikan pada Desember 2013. Namun, sebelum menjadi perusahaan sentra penukaran aset digital, ketiga pendirinya; Oscar Darwaman, Ricky Andrian dan William Sutanto, merintis komunitas peminat Bitcoin melalui website bitcoin[dot]co[dot]id.
Selang satu tahun kemudian, Bitcoin Indonesia telah berkembang menjadi bursa penukaran Bitcoin dengan jumlah anggota sebanyak 50,000 member dan rata-rata volume transaksi harian mencapai hingga Rp. 500,000,000. Pencapaian tersebut sekaligus menjadikan Bitcoin Indonesia sebagai bursa penukaran Bitcoin terbesar se-Asia Tenggara.
Semakin maraknya permintaan masyarakat terhadap Bitcoin di Indonesia ditanggapi dengan bertambahnya sentra-sentra penukaran alternatif selain Bitcoin Indonesia. Beberapa kompetitor tersebut adalah Triv dan Luno.

Perkembangan Status Bitcoin Sebagai Alat Pembayaran Daring

Antusiasme masyarakat terhadap Bitcoin di Indonesia punya pasang-surutnya sendiri. Awalnya, peminat mata uang virtual tersebut sebagian besar hanya terbatas pada penggiat komunitas pada forum-forum daring saja.
Forum-forum daring tersebut umumnya terdiri dari beberapa anggota yang saling membagikan pengetahuan dan pengalaman mereka terhadap manfaat dan perkembangan Bitcoin. Itulah awal mula kenapa forum bitcoin[dot]co[dot]id mampu berkembang pesat menjadi sentra penukaran Bitcoin Indonesia.
Kelebihan utama Bitcoin terletak pada kemudahan pembayaran tanpa mengenal jarak. Sehingga di manapun pengguna Bitcoin berada, mereka dapat dengan mudah melakukan pembayaran dengan memanfaatkan jaringan blockchain.
Bitcoin Indonesia memanfaatkan fitur utama tersebut untuk menggandeng beberapa online merchant (toko daring) agar produk-produk mereka dapat dengan mudah dibeli oleh member Bitcoin Indonesia kapanpun, di manapun.
Seiring waktu, jumlah online merchant yang berafiliasi dengan bursa-bursa penukaran Bitcoin mulai menjamur. Nah, perkembangan cepat seperti ini tentu saja akan mendapat respon dari para regulator keuangan. 
Mengenai Bitcoin dan mata uang digital serupa, pemerintah untuk sementara ini mengambil posisi netral. Pada 6 Februari 2014, Bank Indonesia menyatakan bahwa Bitcoin dan mata uang virtual lainnya bukan merupakan mata uang atau alat pembayaran yang sah di Indonesia. Meskipun begitu, pembayaran barang/jasa dengan Bitcoin tidak dikategorikan sebagai tindakan ilegal di Indonesia.
Misalnya saja pada Maret 2014, dilansir dari Wall Street Journal, seorang pengguna Bitcoin (dari luar negeri) membeli villa mewah di kawasan Seminyak, Bali seharga 800 Bitcoin (kisaran Rp5 Milyar pada saat itu) yang ditawarkan melalui situs web Bitpremier. Pembelian properti tersebut sekaligus menorehkan catatan nilai transaksi tertinggi dengan Bitcoin saat itu.
Intinya, hingga saat ini penerimaan status Bitcoin sebagai salah satu alternatif alat pembayaran masih berada dalam area abu-abu. Di satu sisi, Bitcoin menawarkan kecepatan dan kemudahan proses pembayaran yang lebih unggul dibandingkan mata uang konvensional (fiat currency). Di sisi lain, regulasi Bitcoin di Indonesia masih sangat terbatas dan rentan penyalahgunaan seperti misalnya praktek pencucian uang dan penyelundupan narkoba.

Bagaimana Prospek Bitcoin Indonesia Ke Depannya?

Saat ini, sudah mulai bermunculan alternatif cryptocurrency selain Bitcoin, mulai dari pesaing utamanya, Ethereum, hingga yang terbaru Ripple. Ke depannya, masih belum ada tanda-tanda bahwa trend kemunculan mata uang digital baru akan berhenti.
Prospek Bitcoin Indonesia
Menyadari perkembangan tersebut, sentra penukaran Bitcoin Indonesia melayani pula jual beli cryptocurrency selain Bitcoin. Jadi, bagi para peminat mata uang virtual alternatif, Bitcoin Indonesia akan terus berinovasi dengan menghadirkan pilihan-pilihan virtual currency populer. Per 29 September 2017, situs tersebut telah melayani transaksi dalam Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, ZCoin, Dash, dan lain sebagainya.
Jumlah merchant yang menerima pembayaran dalam Bitcoin di Indonesia pun terus bertambah. Diantaranya ada platform majalah digital HIGO, laman e-commerce Asmaraku, lembaga perantara donasi Kitabisa, marketplace Ratakan, dan masih banyak lagi.