Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2018

MIXRENT- Through the use of blockchain technology and smart contracts


Mixrent creates a global ecosystem that discovers a new format of traveling. The renter experiences only positive emotions while travelling. The service community will take care of the rest.

Mix.Rent is a decentralized rent-a-car and sharing service. Through the use of blockchain technology and smart contracts, the platform will provide its customers with the largest and most convenient base of all modes of transport, which is updated on a real-time basis. The decentralized platform model provides direct cooperation with a large number of renters and vehicle owners around the world

Blockchain technology and utility tokens are two key components that will transform Mix.Rent into a transparent and reliable platform to rent any type of vehicles in different countries

How it works

How we solve the issues, current and future functionality

Global platform

Mix. Rent is easy to list your vehicle in. Owners daily list their vehicles, and renters choose and book vehicles by price, category and location. No need to make a website of your own if you want to share your vehicle Options for owners

The owner needs to provide description of his vehicle, photo and the price to get customers on the platform and start earning. Once the listing is created the platform shows the average prices on the market.

vehicle categories

Users can rent/rent out cars, motorcycles, motor scooters, bicylces, snowmobiles, ATVs, limousines, helicopters, power boats, yachts, minibuses, jets, RVs, custom vehicles.
All kinds of vehicles gathered in one place to be used for work and entertainment.

User rating

Users can provide comments and feedback. The goal is to create a new blockchain-based rating system which will enable to quickly assess risks. Highly rated users get vehicles without security deposit.

More vehicles

In the future the platform will offer vehicles for tourists based on their preferences and location. The system will store data about the preferences and offer new options.

Very soon

Vehicle rental can be paid with tokens and cryptocurrencies. Bonus prices to pay with the platform tokens.

Mixrent creates a global ecosystem that discovers a new format of traveling. The renter experiences only positive emotions while travelling. The service community will take care of the rest.

  • Service community

The community members provide services upon request (delivery/return of vehicle, washing, refuelling, repair). They are rewarded in MIX tokens.

  • Creditors:

Keep on enjoying traveling. The creditos community will bail you out crediting the necessary funds on P2P lending basis. Creditors are rewarded in MIX tokens with percentage of your deposit.

  • Arbitrage:

The Mixrent arbitrage is convenient, impartial, and fair. The data are exported from blockchain and sent as an application to 300 referees who have passed KYC and qualification test. The first 10 referees who have responded are assigned to the application.

We are not just another big idea. We are changing rental market and provide you with reliability, additional earnings, and a great experience while you travel in comfort to your destination. Every day travelers to many countries choose Mixrent and their number has only been growing

Mix.Rent is a working solution

To date offers users a fully working marketplace to rent vehicles: blockchain functions to make renting simple and safe, options to list private vehicles, communication within a platform and other options.


By uniting private owners and rental companies offering transport services regionally, nationally and internationally, and by using blockchain technology, we create a new market that offers you communication, earnings and a great experience while you travel in comfort to your destination.


Platform Marketing and PR 30%
Web, mobile, API, partners network development 30%
Growing internationally - expansion in developed countries 20%
Insurance and legal funds of the platform 15%
Bounty program, which will continue after ICO 5%
Private Placement
To 25%
To 15%
To 10%


author  : acerputih
ETH  :   0x2122Ea5ccDd12FedA94B30B3B300EF10f77B8569

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